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Your thoughts on this move are appreciated!
I'm considering making $JEPI the largest holding in my portfolio, specifically into my taxable trading account. This would speed up my potential early retirement date by a little over 2 years; adding roughly 8-9k of new income. My dividend portfolio is fairly diverse, but this would become my largest holding. This would be new money so no sales would be made to fund this purchase. Am I being blinded by the additional 9k of income to see the downside of this move? Any thoughts you have on this would be really appreciated!
The Dividend Pig
Dividend Portfolio
Below is the updated dividend portfolio spreadsheet of my current holdings.  This spreadsheet contains my entire dividend stock portfolio and excludes any mutual funds I've yet to sell. All the fields are calculated in real-time so the total value and yields will change throughout the day.  The columns with the blue headings are the only fields that require manual input.  The rest of the portfolio spreadsheet will auto calculate with current information. Feel free to make a copy of the spreadsheet from the link below to use and manipulate the dividend portfolio spreadsheet as you'd like.  More narrative about the dividend stock

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