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My Portfolio Statistics
There are some cool new features here on @commonstock - below are my Portfolio Statistics!

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I have 55 active holdings across 2 accounts. I severely over diversified when I first started and am slowly working to control my diversification

21 trades a month seems a little high and average holding time of 5 months seems a little low. I have noticed that some trades get counted multiple times, which may be skewing these numbers.

I have an upcoming post on my $CMA trade above 👀 Stay tuned!

I try to focus on diversifying across sectors and industries as well. You can see over 47% is "Other" - these are ETFs mainly from my Wealthfront portfolios that I rolled over into my current actively managed portfolios. These have served as a solid foundation to build my portfolios around.

What are your thoughts? Feel free to ask me any questions! My goal is to be open and transparent and share as much of my journey as possible!

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