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Only the Best Will Do by Peter Seilern
I just finished listening to Only the Best Will Do by Peter Seilern.


​In the book author discusses his rules and so I wanted to share them with y’all.
The Ten Golden Rules:
  1. A scalable Business Model
  2. Superior Industry Growth
  3. Consistent Industry Leadership
  4. A sustainable Competitive Advantage
  5. Strong Organic Growth
  6. Wide Geographic or Customer Diversification
  7. Low Capital Intensity and High Return on Capital
  8. A Solid Financial Position
  9. Transparent Accounts
  10. Exceptional Management and Corporate Governance

I will discuss in more details about my thoughts on this and a couple of others books in my next monthly portfolio update, if you are not subscriber yet please do check it out at and subscribe.
"From $100K to $1M" & More. | YZ | Substack
Sharing my investing journey of trying to turn $100,000 into $1,000,000 - mostly stocks and some private equities. Click to read ""From $100K to $1M" & More.", by YZ, a Substack publication with thousands of subscribers.

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