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Long Astra Space $ASTR as they look to provide launching services for competing satellite internet companies
$ASTR is a pre-revenue launch company that is dedicated to providing personalized launch services for satellite internet providers looking to launch low-orbit satellites.

Currently, SpaceX would be providing launch services for other firms. However, many of their clients would have to be flexible with SpaceX's launch plans as SpaceX will prioritize its objectives. Because of this, SpaceX doesn't help its clients launch satellites in specific locations of the Earth's atmosphere.

Astra Space is solving that issue by providing personalized launch services to those firms. One of those clients could be $AAPL as they were looking to enter the satellite business. Other potential clients include the US Department of Defense, $SIRI (if ever they want to have low orbit satellites to enhance their service), and other satellite startups.
Apple is reportedly entering the satellite business, taking on SpaceX and Amazon
The technology could enable Apple to circumvent a traditional cellular network and improve functions like location tracking.

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