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Added $AXON to my Taxable Account
I bought 11 shares of $AXON at average price $98.13 per share. I also bought 1 share of $VOO for $369.

The only reason I know about Axon is
from the Motley Fool. David Gardner, Brian Feroldi, and Brain Stoffel have been
huge advocates on all of their podcasts/YouTube videos for Axon. Check out "The
Brians" work on Axon for more information. My only concern is a lack of TAM.
Axon is already working on this issue with expanding outside of their core
business and trying to expand internationally.

I love buying $VOO or S&P500 equivalent when I buy an individual stock. First, it helps me track the performance of that stock compared to the market at the time of

Second, there is a reason why everyone is trying to beat the
S&P500. It's literally buying the best of the best stocks on a market cap
weighted basis. By adding more to it, I will be owning the best the market has
to offer at any given time.

I only buy stocks in my taxable account every two weeks. I
do this to try and stay away from “timing the market” which is impossible to
do. If you could time the market you would be a billionaire. I will write
another post on the 27 with my next purchase in my taxable account.

*Retirement Accounts *

I added to $VNQ and $QQQM in my Roth IRA. My 401k is
automated so I didn’t have to do anything but S&P500 and Total
International Index Fund was added to as well. I allocate 20% of my paycheck
every two weeks to 70% S&P and 30% international.

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