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$U , what to expect?
Unity Software (Symbol $U )
Earnings date : may 10th
EPS growth (YOY) : +20%.
Revenue growth (YOY) : +36%.
Market cap : 20.1B
Performance YTD : -52%.

ATH : 210$ p.s
ATL : 63.59 p.s

The consensus forecast is for an adjusted loss of $ 0.08 per share, an improvement from a loss of $ 0.10 per share over the same period last year.

Market players will closely follow Unity's updates regarding the customer base spending $ 100,000 or more on its platform, after a 33% increase in the key figure, up to 1,052 customers in the last quarter

Investors will focus on the words of Unity Software's management regarding the forecast for the coming months. The technology company has said in the past that it expects to be balanced (Breakeven) during 2023.

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