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CXL Enables Microsoft Azure To Cut Server Capital Expenditures By Hundreds Of Millions Of Dollars
Microsoft's first generation memory pooling with CXL can significantly reduce the amount of DRAM needed for servers. Up to 25% of DRAM is stranded, and 50% of VMs never touch 50% of their memory. Reducing overprovisioning and underutilization with CXL pooled memory "represents hundreds of millions of dollars in cost savings for a large cloud provider."
CXL Enables Microsoft Azure To Cut Server Capital Expenditures By Hundreds Of Millions Of Dollars
Microsoft's first generation memory pooling with CXL can significantly reduce the amount of DRAM needed for servers. Up to 25% of DRAM is stranded, and 50% of VMs never touch 50% of their memory. Reducing overprovisioning and underutilization with CXL pooled memory "represents hundreds of millions of dollars in cost savings for a large cloud provider."

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