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Fundamental Crypto Investments
When I initially got into crypto, everyone around me was in Shiba Inu & Dogecoin. After 15 minutes of due diligence, NOT including Musk & Cuban’s Twitter accounts, I knew those were not legitimate investments I was taught to make by the Buffet/Graham/Lynch style of analysis. I tried to utilize fundamental and qualitative analysis to the best of my ability in the crypto space. While tho gs have been turbulent, there are 10 or so projects I still feel comfortable accumulating and holding long-term. I always traded my crypto, not invested, so I’ve never been holding much for major crashes, have been extremely lucky to see some 20%-30% ROI months (not years), and avoiding the 3 catastrophic losses that have happened since I got involved.

Now that prices have crashed so low, to realistic levels, I feel confident buying for long-term positions. Buying Axie @ $185 early on was nuts, buying it for $15 today is also nuts, in reverse, as is usual behavior for investors. Too high, then too low. So I wanted to share a few clips of some of my favorite “real” projects to look at as legitimate investments (not theoretical, future problem solving projects; but real, revenue generating, active projects).

I’ve mentioned $CRO.X and $AXS.X , two of my favorite crypto investments and the only two I’ve added in the prior few months. Others I’ve started accumulating again at current prices are $AAVE.X , $MKR.X , $UNI.X , and $ETH.X 2.0 (1.0 been staked awaiting conversion). As Some of the crypto DeFi platforms failed, and filed bankruptcy, projects like Aave & Compound were paid before human creditors due to the execution of smart contracts; demonstrates the sustainability of the idea & use (if Ethereum BILLION # isn’t enough). Also have added two more speculative positions; $GALA.X a gaming ecosystem and $CHZ.X , a coin that represents voter/fan rights for sports organizations. Chilliz has already been working with European soccer organization‘s for a couple years and has deals signed and NFT collections created and sold with the NBA and the UFC. Very small market cap coin, still relatively unknown; fan is short for fanatic😉

Here’s a couple articles mentioning the revenue generated by some of the projects mentioned. I understand revenues in crypto space are not like revenues in the stock market. I have no claim to future earnings and cannot analyze these investments the same way. But if I am going to invest in crypto, I want to see real, tangible revenues and a management/developer team who meets their goals as laid out in the white paper and understands how to generate revenue with a Blockchain. I was sort of blown away that the simple lessons taught to me by Warren Buffett and Peter Lynch were so successful when analyzing & investing in crypto projects. The only thing is you really need to have confidence in your convictions. The crypto market is much more volatile and you really have to believe in what you’re investing in to be able to hold on for the ride. I am not a technology expert, so I cannot dive into some of these projects as they are still way too complicated. But ones I can see and use, that are growing and seeing adoption, I can feel much more confident in. Crypto is still less than 2% of my entire portfolio so it’s not like I’m taking any real risk here.

My analysis took me to these companies in the TTM, just wanted to find a couple articles with some numbers for you:



Here’s a link to entire article



Link to Motley Fool article

And links to the two speculative positions mentioned

Chiliz ($CHZ)
Chiliz ($CHZ) | Blockchain provider for sports & entertainment
Chiliz ($CHZ) is a blockchain platform that powers through which fans can interact with their favorite teams in unique ways.

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