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Restaurant Brands International Inc. $QSR
1. Is the company undervalued?
EV/EBIT: 15.83
EV/Sales: 5.26
Price/Book: 6.92

$QSR trades at a reasonable valuation while offering investors decent growth prospects. The company is fairly recession proof and returning meaningful capital back to shareholders. $QSR falls into that awkward category of not being cheap enough for a value investor and not growthy enough for a growth investor. For this reason, $QSR very well could be getting overlooked.

Link to full write-up here:
Restaurant Brands International Inc. $QSR
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The Expat Investor | Luka 🦉's avatar
I am long $QSR but I have a Covered Call open expiring 22/7 - I hope I will not get assigned
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