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Stagflation - Equity Analyst View
"Western central banks' decade of aggressive money printing created strong asset price inflation. Add handout checks and tax relief (fiscal stimulus) and supply issues in the recent pandemic. Inflation has now found its way into real economy prices and wages. With a recession long overdue, Western economies now face threats of stagflation." - @piggyback

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How about (1) low-multiple stocks? In (2) trading and financing centers for (3) commodities, (4) goods, and (5) infrastructure? Not a bad combination for trying to keep up with stagflation.

In this week’s first PiggyBack Letter (PBL) Buffett's Inflation Bet With The House(s) we piggyback Warren Buffett’s insurance conglomerate, Berkshire Hathaway. From Berkshire’s Omaha, Nebraska across the Pacific. We study Japanese trading houses, a niche industry theme still in play.

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Stagflation poll @commonstock users and creators
How worried are you about the risk that current inflation sticks throughout extended recessionary stagflation? (I.e. rising inflation in weak economy)
27%1 Very worried
38%2 A bit worried
27%3 Not so worried
5%4 Not worried at all

18 VotesPoll ended on: 7/5/2022

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