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Top investors this month
Trending Assets
Top investors this month
Personal Top 10 Holdings
As of April 30th, 2022

  1. $MSFT: 11.8%
  2. $MELI: 11.3%
  3. $AMZN: 10.3%
  4. $CRWD: 8.9%
  5. $SE: 8.2%
  6. $NVDA: 5.3%
  7. $CROX: 3.9%
  8. $AAPL: 3.6%
  9. $ZS: 3.4%
  10. $SQ: 3.3%

Top 10 Positions: 70%
Cash Position: 6.6%
Rest of Portfolio: 23.4%


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