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My 16 golden rules for investing
I just published an article on Substack going into detail on 16 of my top 'rules of thumb' for investing.

I wanted to share these rules with Commonstock to see if you agree/disagree with these or have any more to add.

For a more in-depth look, check out the article here.

#1 - Look for Skin in the Game' wherever possible
#2 - Embrace being uncomfortable
#3 - Be weary of following the crowd
#4 - Avoid thinking in black and white
#5 - Remember, the retail investor always comes last
#6 - Tune out the noise
#7 - Buy, and then do nothing
#8 - Be weary of bubbles
#9 - Check your emotions when making important decisions
#10 - Ignore short term earnings, focus on the core thesis
#11 - Think two steps ahead. Identify trends and act accordingly
#12 - Enjoy the 8th wonder of the world - compounding.
#13 - Buy what you know
#14 - If in doubt, zoom out
#15 - There is never a perfect time to invest
#16 - Never compromise on quality
16 Rules for Investing
Quick update: I’ve been working hard these last few weeks on the next deep-dive, which is going to be GoodRx (NASDAQ: GDRX). The US healthcare system is in dire need of disruption. So subscribe below to join 2,500 curious investors and find out why GDRX might have the potential to disrupt the US healthcare industry for years to come.

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