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Top investors this month
US Portfolio April Results:
Performance YTD: -40.54% vs SPY: -13.60%
Portfolio By Weight:

$NVDA - 13.03%
$SE - 12.21%
$PLTR - 11.32%
$GOOG - $11.07%
$DDOG - 10.60%
$SQ - 7.69%
$ZS - 7.12%
$ABNB - 4.30%
$TSLA - 4.19%
$TTD - 4.00%
$MGNI - 3.78%
$DOCN - 3.18%
$MQ - 2.71%
$OPEN - 2.45%
$QQQ - 2.20%

Post media

Tough month, that's for sure. I'm still buying fortnightly, mostly $GOOG... at this point. I haven't sold any positions this month, i'm hoping in years to come i'll be rewarded for holding onto them - I understand some more than likely won't ever make it to all time highs again and could end up being scooped up via M&A's. Time will tell...

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