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$2bn Net Cash Palantir could be used to reduce the dilutive impact of the RSU from Stock-Based-Compensation, which I discussed profoundly in a previous article (Palantir - When Will SBC Ease?).

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From Palantir's 2020 Executive Equity Incentive Plan we can see Palantir could do the same of what $SNOW aims to do:

"using our strong cash position to transition to a net share settlement for vesting of employee RSUs in almost all countries. This will help us further manage dilution"

RSU Cash Settlement means that the company could pay employees in cash rather than issuing new shares at the vesting period when the employee is entitled to receive the shares.

> Rather than Issuing new shares for $100k ( so 10,000 shares at $10 per share), the company could pay $100k to the employee in cash.

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Cash provides optionality.

Full Article:
Palantir Cash Could Reduce Dilution
Palantir could reduce the dilutive impact from SBC thanks to Cash.

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