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31 Days, 31 Ideas
With my post on $KO a few minutes ago I have completed a small challenge I set for myself 31 days ago.

I wanted to post 31 ideas about 31 unique companies to both expand my horizons and continue to learn about some of inner workings of companies.

During my time I discovered 4 companies I have never heard of $CHGG $FOSL $NNI and $HOG and got to examine the different business models and learned quite a lot.

At times it was quite hard to find interesting things to talk about especially since earnings season had drawn to a close and I wanted to avoid only talking about earnings reports.

Anyway I enjoyed this, I love this platform and going from 19 followers to 105 in those 31 days was really mind blowing and I appreciate everyone that commented and upvoted or even read my little posts everyday.

I do plan to keep going but I don't know that I am going to post everyday. I hope to provide even more value in the future!

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