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New Feature on Seeking Alpha
I just noticed this new tool that gives a quick overview and rating of portfolios/watchlists. I have about 30 watchlists on Seeking Alpha and it’s one of my top 3-5 sources of data. Their quant industry ranks are on point with all my other analysis so I know when I see a good quant rating, it’s quality data and I am looking at a strong company. I don’t read articles much anymore, mostly use it for the data & comparative analysis Bs industry peers and prior 5 years of performance.

This is just one more bit of data I can add to my pie. I like simplification. As I’ve developed my strategy over the last decade, I have moved to the Graham & Greenblatt approach. I analyze performance & valuation, buy list of excellent businesses at wonderful prices, and sell when they get back to fair value. (I’ll be sharing that performance soon to show how exceptionally it outperforms) So I love the simple overview 5 points scales & A-F grades, especially knowing there are dozens of data points going into each final ratio, rating, etc.

Here’s a shot of the overview of one of my watchlists:




Source: Seeking Alpha

I personally ignore momentum & EPS revisions. Mostly irrelevant to my style. If I see negatives in the financials or questions at all, an investment goes straight to the “no thank you” pile, earnings shenanigans are culled out early in my analysis.

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