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Oral History: The Trade Desk
With $TTD hitting all-time highs today, I wanted to revisit an Oral History I put together this summer of the company.

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How is this Going to Work?
All comments are made by the players themselves. I conducted no interviews for this oral history, but rather found other interviews and quotes that are cited below. My job was merely to research and collect the quotes, condense for brevity and continuity, and arrange them to build an interesting story. Quotes may be from the time period mentioned or a later date.

Cast of Characters (in order of appearance):
  • Jeff Green—Founder/CEO of The Trade Desk, Co-Founder of AdECN
  • William Urschel—Founder/CEO of AdECN
  • Kevin Johnson—Former President of Platforms and Services Division at Microsoft, Current Starbucks CEO
  • Roger Ehrenberg—Managing Parter of IA Ventures
  • Dave Pickles—Co-Founder/CTO of The Trade Desk

Check it out--would love to hear what you think of the format in the comments!!

Oral History: The Trade Desk
I hope you’ll join me for the following experiment. Inspired by James Andrew Miller’s work and a host of other oral histories, I thought it would be fun to do an oral history of a company—one in particular that I’m fond of and have seen great returns from. Founder run, exciting industry, crazy returns.

Eric Pelnik's avatar
Nice - this gives great context to @austin's post:
MazwoodCap's avatar
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