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Edge networks $FSLY $NET $ZS $API
⭐️ Great (8/2/2020) post from muji @hhhypergrowth on edge networks, h/t to Chris Perruna @cperruna for retweeting 👉

📍Mostly about $NET and $FSLY
with some mention of $AKAM $ZS $API $TWLO #AWS

🐘 written in august, so no idea about current views on particular companies

👩‍💻 highly recommend reading if you want to better understand cloud architecture/last mile logistics

👇 just my notes and NOT my area of expertise, so please anyone correct me where I am wrong and add to discussion!


global edge networks
  • “We must start thinking about these companies, along with Zscaler and Agora, as global edge networks -- regardless of what route they took (cybersecurity VPN replacement or a CDN caching content) to get to this point.”

edge computing critical to security
  • “edge computing greatly enhances the amount of computational logic that can be utilized, anywhere across the edge network. One possibility with edge compute controlling the networking between edges is in greatly enhancing cybersecurity features.” (my emphasis)

edge networks will help companies save $$$ and deal w loads of data
  • “...result in huge savings on the compute & storage costs of the core data systems, as well as the bandwidth into them.”

why CDNs can’t do it, and relevance to security
  • “CDNs are incredibly powerful way to distribute content from your origin servers out to your users. However, they were not built for collecting data from end points and passing it back” (my emphasis)

  • “This trend of sending endpoint data inward is snowballing. Gartner wrote in 2018 that only 10% of data is generated outside of data centers, and they expected that to rise to 75% by 2025 with the trends.
  • “...the distributed analytics that this enables is something that could benefit ANY industry with heavy endpoint traffic (app economy, API economy, IoT, etc).”

and a reference to $TWLO ;)
  • “Customers will be making products with these building blocks, equivalent to what Twilio has done for communications – as well as the edge networks themselves.”

about Zscaler specifically (he was not that interested, I am) - which he calls a “a specialty edge network”
  • “Zscaler is using their Secure Web Gateway and Zero Trust protection capabilities across their edge network & cloud platform to protect the traffic of enterprise users.”
  • “They protect outgoing traffic from endpoints to external servers (ZIA, their Secure Web Gateway) and incoming traffic from endpoints to origin servers (ZPA, their Zero Trust secure access method).”
  • “...once you go Zscaler and Zero Trust, you don’t go back to the old network appliance ways.”

And this
  • “But unfortunately, they are hampered by poor marketing, a top-down sales process that involves a major overhaul of the corporate network, and a difficult to implement architecture requiring system integrators.”

my thoughts on 👆— although let’s be clear he knows waaaayy more about this than me 😂
  • Poor marketing - may have changed a bit, also Jay is understated, letting the market come to them. So could be unrelated to staying power
  • Top-down sales process - I think I understand this part and it’s true, needing to convince people to switch, given what’s involved, used to be hard. Jay going one-on-one w execs not scalable. Although per recent calls the pitch has gotten easier. And the market is coming to them.
  • Difficult to implement architecture - I can’t speak to that

*trying to post from mobile, let’s see if it works, may need to edit formatting

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