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Can Emotions inform Investors when Picking Stocks?
We are all emotional creatures, and as much as we like to think we are led by our rationale, feelings always come into play when identifying investment opportunities. We may be drawn to a buying a house because of the way we feel when we step into the living room, or we may find ourselves turned off by Elon Musk when evaluating $TSLA.
Of the 9 Enneagram personality types, Type Fours are known to be the most inward-looking and emotionally charged. There is a lot of Four-ness in me, as much as I like to pride myself on being logical. On one hand, being attuned to emotions can be an asset in creativity and spotting early trends in consumer markets. On the flip side, a combination of “coulda, shoulda, woulda” and “if only” type of ruminations can suck Type Fours into a vortex of inaction.

Find out why I am using Taylor Swift to illustrate Type Fours, and her relevance to personal investing by reading the article. Subscribe to my FREE weekly blog, Consume Your Own Tech Investing. This is Part IV of a series of post that I will be writing on Enneagram x Stock Picking. Below are the links to Parts I - III:

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Enneagram x Stock Picking (Part IV): Type Four Investors and their Emotions
Are emotions - embodied by Type Fours - necessarily bad when it comes to personal investing? By Benjamin Tan

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