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Crowdsourcing Starlink Valuation Research
Dave Lee put out a video on Youtube describing his valuation case for Starlink over the next ten years.

In the video, he asked for help researching the market size is for long-haul internet communications data and the margins on that business.

Commonstock is the perfect command center for a group of people to come together and help out on research like this.

If you have any expertise in this area (or want to learn) join the Starlink Research Group here on Commonstock:

It would be awesome to help Dave out and to welcome him to the Commonstock community!

Post media
Why Starlink Could Be Worth Trillions - Starlink Valuation (Ep. 179)
In this video I make a case of why Starlink could be worth over $1 trillion by 2030. To volunteer for research (at least 5 hrs/week), contact me at davelee....

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