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My $ELY trades
Told my subscribers to let go of $ELY for an 11% loss. But we bought a minimal number of shares through use of risk-management formula, and the portfolio is only minimally invested anyway because of the ongoing bear market - so damage to portfolio is negligible.

That's what risk management is all about.

It gets old to keep saying to yourself (and to subs) "Cut your losses quickly, let your winners run"...especially in a market headed more or less straight down. But I've learned from experience that really is about 2/3rds of the success equation in the stock market.

We never know exactly where a market bottoms or puts in a tradeable rebound. But the smaller the hole you dig for yourself, the faster the recovery in your portfolio equity chart when it happens.

If you don't control your losses, you won't have any confidence.
If you don't have confidence, you don't trade or invest.
If you don't trade or invest, you won't be in a position to benefit when the real market rebound starts.

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