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The Loneliness of Day Trading (or any other type of investing/trading)
Oh God, he's back...
Here I am! New and improved :D

I took a break from social media of all sorts, including CommonStock, as they were taking up far too much of my trading and learning time. And I've become a much better trader because of it; I've been able to pour so much extra time into my strategy, my technique, my skills, my psychology...But what you gain on the swings, you lose on the roundabouts.

As part of my development, I've been doing SWOT Analyses on myself. And "Loneliness" went down as one of my Threats. I can't speak for those who trade and invest as part of an organisation but if you're doing it solely for yourself as I am then fuck me; it is probably the loneliest thing I've ever done.

Let me reassure you that I'm fortunate enough not to be "truly lonely" - I have friends, family, colleagues, etc. And those who have had the pleasure of being on Zoom calls or @nathanworden's Stock Pitching Game with me will know I'm fairly outspoken.

But when you don't have trading colleagues to chat with, your friends all gave up when they learnt the market isn't full of GameStops and AMCs, and your family avoid saying certain words and terms so that you don't butt-in with "Ackshually...", then trading can be a very lonely game.

So, here I am again :) Hoping to remove this Loneliness threat from my SWOT analysis and hopefully reconnect with old friends and also potentially meet some new users who may have joined since!

I'll be sure to resume my posting, albeit of a slightly different nature than before, but please absolutely feel free to jump in my DMs for a chat or if you fancy a catch up!

Thanks all!

@commonstock if you're still taking tag recommendations, "Psychology" definitely wants to be there :D

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