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Buying the Nasdaq 100
If you can't beat 'em, join 'em. This morning, as I added my monthly contribution to this DGI project, I bought some $EQQQ (UK Nasdaq 100 tracker ETF).

Despite not being an attractive dividend ETF (yield is <0.4%) I do want to have some technology exposure in this portfolio. Beating the Nasdaq is notoriously difficult, and attempting to pick winners in this way would result in buying a lot of companies that don't pay dividends.

This also goes against the overarching goal of the project, to focus on healthy dividend growers, and optimise for income, at the expense of caring too greatly about beating the benchmark. That effort is saved for my other portfolios. For my DGI project, I will let the ETF grant me exposure and save myself time.

I allocated £600 across the Nasdaq 100, American Express $AXP and the FTSE 100 Index this morning, but still have more buying to do this month. Now we have a new £20,000 tax allowance for the ISA (as of April 5th), it's time to put the foot down! £19,400 left to go!

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