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Top investors this month
May Portfolio Summary
Not a lot of action in May. We have been focusing on using our extra money to pay down some credit cards to increase future cash flow, so I didn't have any new capital to work with. In the life of a buy and hold investor, that makes for a pretty boring month. No buys, other than automatic dividend reinvestments, and no sells. Nonetheless, May provided an "organic" observation of my portfolio πŸ˜‚
Below is my overall portfolio, with both accounts. I will break down where some of these positions are held in the discussions on each portfolio.
% Change (vs S&P): -0.29% (+0.27%)
Contributions: $0
Dividends: $14.11 (+18% over May '21)
Buys: 0.0065 shares of $AAPL, 0.0096 shares of $ABBV, 0.0245 shares of $CARR (all Dividend Reinvestment)
Sells: None
Cash: 1.9%
Top 5 Positions:
  1. $CMA - 13%
  2. $VTI - 12%
  3. $VEA - 8%
  4. $VWO - 5%
  5. $PFE - 5%
Historic Trend:
Roth IRA
% Change (vs S&P): -1.36% (-0.80%)
Contributions: $0
Dividends: $10.02 (+1,001% over May '21)
Buys: 0.0040 shares of $LOW, 0.0166 shares of $EMB, 0.0488 shares of $CARR, 0.059 shares of $SBUX (all Dividend Reinvestment)
Sells: None
Cash: 1.5%
Top 5 Positions:
  1. $VTI - 13%
  2. $VNQ - 12%
  3. $VIG - 9%
  4. $SBUX - 9%
  5. $HD - 7%
Historic Trend:
One bit of commentary - I am happy to see 2 of the Top 5 in each account are individual companies. I have been working to balance the ETF portfolios I had built through Wealthfront and rolled over.
Looking forward to June - it is a large dividend month with the Vanguard ETFs paying out. Should provide some more opportunities to buy!
Would love to hear any of your questions, comments or concerns with my portfolio!

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