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Prediction: Ethereum at $2,300
The Ethereum Merge should happen approximately one month from now. It sits at $1,891 as I write this.
I’m going to go out on a limb and predict that $ETH.X threads the macro environment needle and sees a meaningful run-up leading up to the merge.
This could go sideways if:
  • The market begins to believe that the Fed will raise interest rates faster than expected later in the year.
  • If technical trouble arises
But this could go great if:
  • The removal of structural sell pressure surprises short term traders and they realize all the lines in their charts need to be re-drawn because of new flow dynamics.
  • Institutions realize that there is a 5.2% real yield (not nominal) to be had by staking $ETH.X . The highest real yield in crypto.
What am I missing?
Fill in the blank:
Nathan’s prediction will be wrong if ___
$ETH.X will be over $2,300.00/share on 2022-09-16?
Validated to: No
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62 Votes

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