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General M&A and Specifically how it Relates to $MITK
Yesterday, I asked about M&A, and @eggplant and were both nice enough to send me really informative papers. The full papers are and but I wanted to share some things that I learned.

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M&A is normally bad for the buyer as many buyers overpay. The average buyer has negative share returns after the acquisition. However, some buyers do extremely well, and I want to
dive into those.

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Cash deals do better than other types of deals and there are two main theories for this. 1. Management has a good idea of the value of their shares and don’t want to dilute themselves when undervalued 2. Cash deals are riskier and the buyer shows confidence in their acquisition.

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There are three other factors I found interesting. 1. cost synergies are more reliable than revenue. 2. Serial acquirers do better than one-time acquirers. 3. Small bolt-on deals, do better than large transformative acquisitions

The market also usually has a general idea if the acquisition is smart. Buyers whose stock goes up on the day of acquisition do significantly better on average than those who don’t.
I did this research because one of my companies $MITK made an acquisition yesterday. The positives were it was an all-cash deal, Mitek is a serial acquirer, and their stock was up 2.39% (although almost everything was up today). Some neutral factors were Mitek should receive revenue and cost synergies from the deal and the deal was medium-sized (about 1/6th of Mitek’s market cap). I look forward to learning more about HooYu (the company Mitek acquired)

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