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What does the XRP ruling mean for Crypto?
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Last week, the SEC ruled that $XRP.X is NOT a security, which means there should be no issue with purchasing tokens on an exchange from here on out. Not only that, this ruling has been a huge topic of concern for the crypto community because it was rightfully inferred that more clarity would help legitimize the space overall.

In 2020, the SEC originally sued Ripple because they claimed that Ripple was selling unregistered securities in the form of a token ($XRP.X), which we now know is not the case. Things get tricky, however, because the ruling has not made things more clear, but instead leaves more room for speculation.

So what does this mean for the crypto industry as a whole, and how do we move forward?

Without clear guidance on what makes a crypto a security versus what does not, I foresee that there will be many more court cases with the SEC in the future to uncover this mystical question. For now, I'd personally like to see $XRP.X back on the exchanges, and for Gary to be honest with us about why he seems to disdain crypto so much!!
Ripple has cracked the SEC's exterior — sit back and watch it crumble
Opinion: I’m a crypto lawyer — if I think the securities laws make no sense when applied to crypto, does anyone else have a chance?

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