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July 2022 - Portfolio Rebalance
This past weekend I completed my quarterly "routine maintenance" on my portfolios. I do a few things just to make sure my portfolio is still directed towards my goals:

  • Update any sourced data (dividends/FCF from Koyfin)
  • Review my conviction rankings
  • Review my dividend reinvestment strategies
  • Determine if any positions need sold/trimmed

Below is a summary of my two accounts and the changes I made:

Goal - Build an account that can help pay for shorter term goals (down payments, vacations, etc) and also fund a potential early retirement. Reinvest dividends of market beaters.

Conviction Changes:
$COIN - High to Medium
$HAS - Medium to Low
$MCD - Medium to High
$PFE - Medium to High
$UL - Low to Medium

Dividend Reinvestment Changes:
$KO - No to Yes
$MCD - No to Yes
$O - No to Yes
$PEP - No to Yes
$PFE - No to Yes


Roth IRA
Goal - Build a balanced, sustainable, dividend producing portfolio for retirement income. Reinvest dividends of underweight holdings.

Conviction Changes:
$SBUX - Medium to High

Dividend Reinvestment Changes:

$VEA - 2 shares (25%). Following my goal of trimming this overweight position quarterly by 25% until I hit my target weight.
$VWO - 2 shares (25%). Following my goal of trimming this overweight position quarterly by 25% until I hit my target weight.

I am excited to see the changes in my Taxable account with the updates to my dividend reinvestments. This also makes me feel good that I have a decent chunk of my portfolio currently out performing the market.

As always, I'm interested to hear any of your thoughts in the comments!

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