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$MCD Earnings Thursday!

  1. Despite headline inflation decreasing, prices are still high, especially for food. $MCD has even increased their prices but on a relative basis it’s a cheap meal.

  1. People are traveling again and it’s summer time. Seasonality favors $MCD historically and the more people on the road will drive traffic to the drive through.

  1. Successful Marketing - $MCD went viral over the Grimace Shake this quarter and all that attention is great free press for the product! If people went to try the shake odds are they got other food too and could spur some customers who otherwise would not consider $MCD normally.

These points are why I am not only a long term shareholder but also have some call options on them to capture some additional upside (I hope 🤞🏻).

The Fed could throw a wrench at the market generally this week which is always a risk but hopefully, whatever they do, doesn’t sink my thesis.

C’mon $MCD!

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