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Greenland - Greener Pastures Than You Might Think...
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Oct 4 original Commonstock Post on $AMRQ.V
Share price $0.57
Current share price: $0.73

I frequently mention how much I appreciate the Twitter & Commonstock communities but neglect to add CEO.CA. Many thanks to user "NBRTNS" for sharing this gem of an article from Sermitsiaq, one of two national newspapers in Greenland:

In his New Year's speech, Kommune Kujalleq's mayor Stine Egede expressed great expectations for the mining projects in South Greenland, which will increasingly require local labour.

This is written by the newspaper Sermitsiaq.

This is in particular GreenRoc Mining's graphite project on the island of Amitsoq at Nanortalik and the nearby Amaroq Minerals' gold mine project in Nalunaq, which currently employs 40 employees locally. The projects need far more employees when they really get started. In addition, there is Tanbreez's rare earth project at Killavaat Alannguat, which will also require many local employees.

  • The companies must cooperate with Majoriaq. We have frequent meetings with the companies, who inform us about the status of the projects, and together we must plan when and how we recruit as many locals as possible for the work. We hope, of course, that in future we have prepared as many of our own young people as possible for the mining industry, so that we do not have to recruit far too many people from outside, as we do today in far too many professions, says Stine Egede to Sermitsiaq and adds that it is a huge job because there are far too many young people who do not take a job or who cannot look after a job.
Sydgrønlands råstoffer
Grafit, sjældne jordarter og guld skal være med til at trække arbejdskraften til Sydgrønland. For de kommende miner står overfor at skulle bruge mere end 400 lokale medarbejdere.

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