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Interesting thing happened yesterday.. Premarket, i came across $VERU.. I didn't think much of it at first. Mostly because of it's premarket action (sudden rise during the session). Then it lost around half of it into open.

Open: here it is gathering momentum. That was when it caught my eye. Slipped through $6, headed for $7 like a hot knife through butter. And just like that, we were at $7. Here i was in a quandary: "I DID NOT WANT TO CHASE BECAUSE IF FELT IT WAS OVERXTENDED and due for a DIP. OR, i risk it all and ride the momentum? I didn't have the cajones to choose the

That was the plan, pullback and then buy the dip. Long story short, i watched it uptick from $7 to its high yesterday ($14.57). Lord know it took all in me to NOT chase.

At it's high i noticed signs of shift in momentum. I was gunning or a dip, and a dip i got.. Not the most significant of pullbacks but one nonetheless. I wanted a support base for the pullback. I cant open myself to be the one catching the falling knife. Bounced off the mid $12s. Got in partial size in the low $13s and finally added to it in the low $12s. Averaged in at $12.81 at full size.

Normally i wouldn't SWING a trade, this must've been my 3rd or 4th swing trade. Felt optimistic because of how it closed.

Sold at $15.20 during premarket this morning. Looking back, i i missed the top by a hairline fracture. In all i came out with a +19% ROI

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