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Ethereum update
$ETH.X is getting a major update this coming summer that will reduce issuance by 75-90%.

Due to this upcoming reduced issuance, I'm debating transferring some of my $SOL.X over to ETH.

This update will likely lead to an opportunity for long-term investors to earn 8-12% yield via ETH's proof-of-stake mechanism. Given the potential for steady yields, institutions may become more long-term holders.

Risks here include (but aren't limited to): technological implementation and competition ($AVAX.X ecosystem is heating up, $SOL.X is becoming more widely adopted via OpenSea, and $DOT.X is the most widely held crypto asset by hedge funds as of Q4 21).

What are you all looking at within the crypto space?

Source: Bitwise Notes from CIO April 5th

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