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My Cryptocurrency Portfolio
The cryptocurrency positions on my portfolio page are not accurate. I have roughly 8% of my investment portfolio in cryptocurrency : 72% in $BTC.X , 15% in $ETH.X , 3% $ZEC.X, 7% in $USDC.X & 3% in Misc.

‌‌‌‌‌‌ My strategy has been to do regular monthly buys (DCA) and I plan to hold for the long term (5 years).

‌‌‌‌‌‌ A certain portion of my crypto portfolio is allocated to services such as blockfi which allow me to earn interest: ($BTC.X 6% APY, $ETH.X 5.3% APY, $USDC.X 8.6% APY).

‌‌‌‌‌‌ I would consider trimming some of my positions if my cryptocurrency portfolio grew to more than 25% of my overall portfolio.

If you plan on buying and holding Cryptocurrency long term, I suggest using BlockFi:

They custody their assets with Gemini which is a reputable exchange would a good security track record. I have a feeling more services like this will be popping up in the not to distant future.

I would be very cautious lending your cryptocurrency out on DeFi services without doing a lot of due diligence. Compound is great, is regularly audited and backed by credible investors but many others are not.

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