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My $BTC.X and $ETH.X Trades
I keep my coins on a Ledger so I can't link any brokerage or exchange here but I'll try to be transparent on my cryptocurrency transactions as well.

I've dabbled in many altcoins (never shitcoins) but in the interest of time, I recently re-allocated all crypto funds to Bitcoin and Ethereum (I used to have 25% in BTC, 25% in ETH, and the other 50% spread amongst 8-10 coins). Currently, Bitcoin is 0.41% of my overall portfolio and Ethereum is 0.26%. ETH was equal to bitcoin until I used some to buy an Animal Spirits NFT, of which all funds went to No Kid Hungry. Interested? Go buy one. It's a great cause. DM if you want the details. It's legit.

Yesterday, I increased my Bitcoin position by 4% and my Ethereum position by 4.6%. My goal is to get BTC and ETH to in total be ~3% of my overall portfolio. I add on the first day of each month, regardless of where either is trading. DCA!

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