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This week's featured earnings (Sep 20 - 24)
Another slow week as we wrap up the quarter of earnings, but some interesting companies like $ADBE, $SFIX and 2 retail giants ($COST and $NKE), 2 homebuilders ($LEN and $KBH) and $FDX

I'll be closely watching

  • Homebuilders given the tailwind in demand for housing and I believe we are only mid-way through the cycle in these cyclical stocks. I only own $PHM but interested esp in buying $LEN if there is a correction. While prices are moderated, very interested in their backlog numbers
  • Always interested to see how $NKE is doing in their DTC.
  • I'm also interested in $RAD to compare them $WBA and $CVS in my portfolio, and see if any impact of delta variant on store visits.

Any companies you are closely watching this week?

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