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Calling on fellow CS!
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Inspired by @strib and @from100kto1m I would like to get feedback on the portfolio.
(below directly copied from Sam)

I keep my portfolio and trades public on CS for those who would like to follow my investment journey and am an open book (for better or for worse).
I usually share my portfolio as an update but this time I am asking for feedback!
What are your thoughts on my holdings?
Are there changes you would make?
Are there questions you have about why I am in a particular position? (I better be able to answer or I have more homework to do)

For context, I am 27, and all of my holdings are in my M1 Finance account. This portfolio allows me cashflow enough for me to be financially independent. I have recently started ​angel investing thanks to this portfolio. I love to hold dividend/income generating income with a mix between short term income generating stocks like $QYLD and long term dividend growth companies like $COST.

Can't wait to hear your feedback, questions, or thoughts in general!

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