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Top investors this month
April review
2023 YTD performance
Portfolio + 11.5%
S&P 500 + 9.1%
2022 performance
Portfolio - 11%
S&P 500 -19%
2021 performance
Portfolio + 30%
S&P 500 + 26%
Buys none
Sells none
In April we bought a real estate investment to use as a rental. Deal hasn’t closed yet. But should be done in May. Hence the lack of activity in my portfolio. That and I don’t see as many deals compared to Sept ‘22 to Feb ‘23, when I was a much more active buyer.
Watch list is ENPH. Down 50% from its highs and a recent 25% single day correction is looking like a nice entry point. Micro-inverters are only 1.7% of the solar inverter market. Not to mention the tail winds of renewable energy for the next half century at least.

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