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$AMD's acquisition of $XLNX was one of the best moves Lisa could've possibly made and the decision will pay large dividends for years to come.

here, well illustrated in this graphics from $AMD's latest financial analyst day:

Zynq and Versal SoCs are Xilinx's products. now you should get a picture of just how huge this acquisition is in terms of future growth potential beyond industries $AMD used to be in.

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big game changer widening the product portfolio and growth trajectory for $AMD instantly! at this point, there's a large overlap between $AMD and $QCOM in terms of why I initially bought Qualcomm in my portfolio (mostly 5G and IoT thesis) and so I plan to sell my $QCOM for $AMD as I'm much more bullish on $AMD and Lisa! large things coming for $AMD and $NVDA in terms of edge computing, FPGAs and OpenRANs. here, some snippets from both suggesting how big of a deal O-RANs are:

results of $XLNX acq already paying off for $AMD:

on O-RANs from $NVDA's last earnings call:

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for reference, a recent report suggests O-RAN market should be worth $32B in 2030, representing a 42% CAGR between now and then.
Global OPEN RAN (O-RAN) Market Forecasts to 2030 with 16 Leading Company Profiles -

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