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$PINS CEO’s thoughts on $GOOG planned changes to cookie policy
$PINS CEO made following comments at MS conference and believes that once $GOOG implements planned changes to its Chrome cookie policy, it will be a major catalyst for $PINS. Would like to know thoughts of fellow investors. Will $PINS really benefit from it?
“Apple has made their changes. And that was a big shoe to fall when that happened. Google has spoken publicly about the changes that will come for Chrome and for Android. But they haven't happened yet. When they do, that will be another really big shoe to fall. And when that happens, I think you'll see a much more clear dichotomy between platforms that have intent expressed directly on the platform versus what were the platforms that didn't have intent to express on the platform, and we're really relying on sort of tracking people around the web to know what they're interested in.
And for us, we're on the high intent side of that platform. I state it very clearly. Pinterest doesn't need to track you around the web to know what you're interested in. People come to Pinterest and tell us what they're interested in. And I think that advantage is shining through more now that we're really investing in the ad platform, really investing in the intent to action. But I think as you have Chrome and Android start to implement their changes with cookies going away, I think that is going to be not just -- from an ad measurement perspective, everybody is in the same boat with the industry rewiring to privacy safe ad measurement tools. Everyone in the same boat on that. The industry is going to go through rewiring to conversion APIs and clean rooms and things like that.”

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