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Our Next Purchase is...PYPL
We just announced our fourth purchase: PayPal. This one comes from @brianferoldi. Here's is his reasoning...

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While it probably has the wordiest mission we've read in a while, everyone is pretty familiar with how using PayPal can make your financial life more manageable.
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What's truly amazing is how little the company currently has to spend on sales and marketing -- giving it huge brand value
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That brand value combines with strong network effects (by far the most accepted form of digital payment by merchants) and medium levels of switching costs to form the moat
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The growth may not look super impressive, but that's because these start in 2020 instead of 2019. Overall, there was understandable pull-forward because of the pandemic. but this is a cash generating machine either way.
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One area with mixed results: skin in the game. The "PayPal Mafia" is no longer around, but Dan Schulman gets rave reviews. The other downside: very low insider ownership.
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If you're looking for optionality, consider this: every one of those little words you can't read below is the launch of a new service or product over the past twenty years!
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Here's a sign of the times -- and a major reversal: PYPL is actually UNDERPERFORMING over the past five years, and only slightly out-performing since coming public. We're betting on this trend not continuing.
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Competition is fierce, and cryptocurrency could disrupt the business model. But the valuation hasn't been this compelling in a long, long time.
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We'll keep a key eye on TPV and user Growth
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Overall, this scores much better on Brian Feroldi's scorecard than mine, but still very much in the investable range

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What do you think?
PayPal is a...
64%Solid buy after its HUGE drop
35%A wait-and-see watch-lister

34 VotesPoll ended on: 5/16/2022

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