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Top investors this month
Pablo Antonio
$12M follower assets
Business owner, alleged writer, amateur investor, MBA Miami, FL
41 following201 followers
A peek at some of yesterday's best charts

Intangible assets. Tangible assets made up 83% of the S&P 500’s market value in 1975. In 2020 that number was down to 10%.

High & stable margins. “Stocks with high and stable margins are still seeing upgrades, in contrast to Cyclicals.”

Tech stocks (I). Technology stocks have seen the biggest inflows in 8 weeks.

Tech stocks (II). They’re also on pace for the longest winning streak of weekly gains since November.

Risk-on? The market’s risky factors are gaining momentum.

Insiders accumulating. Corporate insiders have been accumulating over the past month.
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Daily Chartbook #19
32 charts

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