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5 traits that have served me well... in life and in investing
  1. Reading - Read don’t skim. Half the knowledge is no good. The more you know, the less surprising the world seems.
  2. Filter the noise- Noise isn’t always a bad thing. The markets are often moved by sentiment. So having that information can brace you for impact. That doesn’t mean you always have to use the noise. But, I’d rather know than not know.
  3. Trust but verify - Never ever follow anyone blindly, no matter who it is. It’s fine to use people’s suggestions but in the end your decision should be yours based on what you know.
  4. Trust your instincts - Don’t ignore your gut. Sometimes, you know things and you don’t know how you know things. Could be from experience, or something you’ve seen. Just trust yourself.
  5. Time heals all wounds - In the grand scheme of things, today’s misery won’t seem so painful anymore given enough time. Don’t forget because that’s how you learn. But, remember to heal and move on.

Bonus: Remain humble. You could be super smart but there may always be someone smarter than you, faster than you, better than you. The key is to learn from that.

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