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Newsletter VI - Return of the Hourglass
A snippet from the weekly watchlist stock from this week's newsletter:
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Talk about a Peter Lynch special! Supremex is one of the largest manufacturers of shipping labels, packaging, and envelopes in North America. Now, this is about as boring as a company can get, but I love it. It has many of the hallmarks of a Lynch-esque investment; a boring company within a boring industry, but growing at a decent clip (+24% TTM rev growth!), attractive margins, a high return on invested capital, and extremely attractive valuations. It’s certainly underappreciated by the Street (given that it’s around $120m in market cap this is unsurprising), as it’s trading below book & revenue values, and only ~1% of the business is owned by institutions. Insiders are buying back a ton of shares, and they generate a decent amount of free cash flow considering the size of the company.
It’s also facing industry tailwinds and wider secular growth with the rise of e-commerce and the copious packaging that goes along with that. The more I read into this company, the more impressed I am. I will definitely be doing some thorough research into this pronto, as the valuation looks incredibly attractive to me from a brief glance and the stock falls into my focus on small-caps and a more recent shift towards boring companies. Plus, it’s a homegrown Canadian lad!
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