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July Roth IRA Portfolio Review
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Portfolio Value
June '23 Month End: $11,007.11
July '23 Month End: $11,231.19
Value Difference: +$223.99
Performance: +1.72% (Excluding contributions)
Portfolio vs S&P
June '23 S&P Month End: $4,450.38
July '23 S&P Month End: $4,588.96
S&P % Difference: +3.11%
% Difference Portfolio vs S&P: -1.39%
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July '23: $37.27
July '22: $9.55
% Difference: +290%
PADI: $282.83 to $283.08 (+0.1%)
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$KMB - 0.1133 shares via dividend reinvestment
$EMB - 0.0218 shares via dividend reinvestment

$HASI - 0.0465 shares via dividend reinvestment

$CTRE - 0.1150 shares via dividend reinvestment
Summary & Commentary
Not too much activity buy/sell wise this month. Contributions have slowed with some life changes going on and the need for incoming cash elsewhere.

This was a great month for dividends. I have been building my $KMB position over the fist half of the year, and this month brought my first "big" (relative) pay day.

Similar to my Taxable account, I did some reworking of my Scorecard and added a 7th KPI for Dividend Growth. You can check that full post out here.

I am excited to transition to a Dividend Growth focus in this portfolio and try to accelerate dividend income for use in retirement - which has been the goal of this portfolio from the start.

As always, I appreciate any feedback or thoughts you leave below!

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