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SDY's three-day stock performance reveals opportunity for investors
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Review of SDY's stock price trend
The data system will analyze the probability of the current stock price rise and fall for the index and individual stocks every day. We try to use the stock price change after 3 days to evaluate the effectiveness of the data system for stock price change analysis.

Take SDY as an example. On July 21, the system judged that the probability of SDY’s rise was 58%. The stock price rose in the next three trading days. The stock price rose from 126.21 USD to 127.58 USD, an increase of 1.1%. It can be seen that the stock price trend is consistent with the trend of the system's rise and fall rate analysis.

SDY stock price trend analysis
SDY has a 50% chance of rising, and the RSI value is 70. There are 5 bullish indicators and 3 bearish indicators in the indicator signals. That is, the market resistance level is 128.6, and it will rise above the resistance level to look at 131.0. That is, the market support level is 125.0, and if it falls below it, it may try 122.4.

#ETF #SDY #technical_analysis #support_level
#resistance_level #upside_probability

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