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The Investment Checklist: The Art of In-Depth Research
Hey folks, I've read Michael Shearn's book: The Investment Checklist: The Art of In-Depth Research and decided to write kind of a summary splitted into 3 parts.

I would say the book is mainly for investors who already got started but need a wrap up of all the thing they came across with some new insights. Further research on most topics is likely needed as the book gives more of an overview and explains the most important concepts of a topic but doesn’t dive too deep. So for really experienced investors it’s probably more of a overall refresh, for less experienced ones it provides some starting points for diving deeper.

Have a good start into the new week!
Increasing Odds | Saesch | Substack
Small/mid cap investor. It's all about increasing the odds for investing successfully. Stay humble. Click to read Increasing Odds, by Saesch, a Substack publication with hundreds of subscribers.

Michael Walls's avatar
Thanks for the post/links. Looks interesting. Bookmarked to read tomorrow!
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