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Disney acquiring Comcast's stake in Hulu is a step in the right direction
Acquiring Comcast's minority 33% stake in the popular streaming service Hulu would provide the missing weapon for Disney to win the streaming wars. Full ownership of Hulu aligns perfectly with Disney's broader streaming strategy and quest for global dominance.

Possessing sole control over Hulu's content and platform allows Disney to fully integrate it within its powerful streaming ecosystem. Disney could seamlessly bundle Hulu with its flagship services, Disney+ and ESPN+, creating an enticing package offer. Just as Disney+ contains dedicated Marvel and Star Wars hubs, Hulu would become the exclusive home for Disney's "adult" content.

Even more significantly, outright ownership of Hulu and its technology provides the infrastructure for Disney to conquer the future of TV - live streaming. As linear cable channels decline, services like Hulu + Live TV represent the new primetime. Disney's complete command over Hulu's innovative live platform will cement its leadership as streaming replaces cable. Disney can shape Hulu's offerings to include more of its owned networks and leverage its unmatched media properties to provide the best live TV bundle.

The streaming landscape is fiercely competitive, but full control of Hulu finally gives Disney the missing piece. By securing Hulu as its own, Disney can attack streaming on all fronts. With kids, families, adults, and live TV covered through its unrivaled mix of services, the Walt Disney Company will dominate streaming for decades to come. Full ownership of Hulu completes the puzzle.

I'm bullish on $DIS

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