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CPI coming out in 1hr 30
CPI coming out in 1hr 40 mins. Yes all CPI are important but this CPI will have the possibility of an upward surprise! See that Headline CPI is expected to be 3.3%, which would be the FIRST time headline CPI has gone UP in like 12 months! It was only 3.0 last month, and as I said last month that was because low petrol prices. CORE CPI is usually more important, and this time is actually expected to be lower at 4.7 compared to last months 4.8. BUT I think this is one time where Headline CPI will become important because it can show that the rally in Petrol prices has pushed up Headline CPI. As I had forecasted 3 weeks ago Crude prices would go to 85.5, and it is almost there now! However, usually it takes a month or two for higher petrol prices to filter into actual CPI data. So the higher CPI may not be this time but comes next months if Petrol prices stay high like this. Either way, this will be a big deal, see that USD is trying to make up its mind on where to go next, and if we get a high CPI then USD likely gets above 103.... That would obviously be bad for BTC and NASDAQ. And a low CPI would tank USD and make BTC and NASDAQ rally ( in theory).

So this is a big one to watch.

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