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Dividend Dollars Portfolio Update!
🛍 Buys: $NEE, $PPA

💰 Sells: None

💲 Divvies: $BBY, $O, $EGP

⏳ Options: Sold and closed $TSLL put for 50% win. Sold $T covered call, still open at 50% win so far

Full portfolio is below

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I’ve earned $837 in dividends since starting in September 2021.

My PADI increased from $663 to $672 this week.

Slow and steady wins the race!

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I allocate a portion of my capital to swing trading under Richard Dennis’ trend following strategy.

We initiated a new trade in $PPA. Next scale in is planned at $83.89. Our last trade in $URNM was a huge success, so I am excited to try and do it again.

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I strive to be transparent & post my trades, but if I ever miss anything on socials, it'll be caught on my weekly article.

I write every weekend & have documented every move for the past 2 years. The newest update is below.

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