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QQQ Trade Plan:
  1. 364.72 to 365.92 (H1)
  2. 364.72 to 365.42 (M15)
Reversal Levels:
  1. 365
  2. 366
  1. 371 to 371.87 (H1)
  2. 371.35 to 371.87 (M15)
Reversal Levels:
  1. 371.07
  2. 371.36
  3. 371.34
Market News:
  1. Business Inventories 10:00
  2. NAHB builders’ confidence index 10:00
Trade Plan:
If price hits your demand zone wait until price gives the reversal volume, candle and hits one of your levels. If the market does all three take the trade if not just hold out. If price moves into supply wait until price action gives you reversal volume, reversal candle and hits one of your levels. Do not trade until after 10:00, there is economic news coming out. Do not trade any other zone besides what you have marked. This will keep the probabilities in your favor. Once in a trade do not sell until price hits a profit target level. When it does if the 1 min chart shows reversal volume, then take profit, if not then hold the position until next level.
Risk Plan:
​You can only trade one contract, use a stop loss of .25 to .30. If a trade hits a stop loss exit the position. You can only take 2 trades today. If the first trade is a big winner, then do not take another trade. If the first trade a bigger loss than expected do not take anther trade. The max that you are allowed to lose is $36 or one percent of the account.


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